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Age Spots Treatment

Age Spots Treatment in Lucknow

Age spots are small, flat dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and generally appear on areas exposed to the sun, similar as the face, hands, shoulders and arms. Age spots are also called sunspots, liver spots and solar lentigines.

Age spots are very common in adults older than 50, but younger people can get them if they spend time in the sun.

Age spots might resemble malignant growths. True age spots don't require treatment, but they are a symptom of extensive sun exposure and your skin's defence mechanism against further UV damage. They can either be lightened or deleted for cosmetic purposes.

Use sunscreen frequently and stay out of the sun to help prevent age spots.


What causes skin Age Spots?

Age spots develop when the body produces too much melanin. The pigment melanin is what gives skin its colour.

The body produces additional melanin to shield the skin from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation when it is exposed to sunlight.

The skin gets darker as more melanin is generated.

Age spots develop when extra melanin in the skin congregates.

When excess melanin in the skin collects, age spots form.

ColorThe colour of age spots ranges from light brown to black. After a while in the light, they could become darker.

Texture The texture of the patches is identical to the rest of your skin. They generally show up on regions exposed to the sun. They don't hurt and are flat to the touch.

Size Age spots can be as small as a very small blemish or as large as an inch in circumference.

Grouping They might show up alone or in a group, which can draw additional attention to them.

Shape Age spots often have sharp edges and are oblong or circular in shape.


Age spots don't pose any health risks, thus normally no treatment is required. Having said that, you might want to get age spots removed due to how they appear.

The following are some possible treatment options.

Prescription medications

Bleaching lotions may be recommended by a doctor to help ageing spots progressively vanish. These creams typically contain hydroquinone and retinoids like tretinoin if necessary.

Just remember that it typically takes these treatments many months to reduce age spots.

Also keep in mind that tretinoin creams and bleaching can make your skin more vulnerable to UV ray damage. Even on gloomy or overcast days, sunscreen should always be worn both during treatment and after.

Medical procedures

Age spots can be removed or reduced using a number of medical procedures, however these operations do have a chance of complications and adverse effects.

Inquire with a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or other expert in skin care about the treatment that might be best for your skin.

Among the medical treatments for age spots are:

  • Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment. In order to remove or break up age spots, this procedure generates light waves that penetrate the skin and are targeted at the melanin. After the treatment, you could notice some redness or swelling, but you can immediately resume your normal activities. Other possible side effects include infection, blistering, changing skin colour, or bruising.
  • Chemical peelsThese take off your skin's top layer so that fresh skin can develop in its place. Redness, dryness, stinging or burning, and some swelling are typical side effects. Scarring, lightning or darkening of the skin, or infection are more severe side effects that may be permanent. Your heart muscle, liver, or kidneys may suffer harm in some circumstances after deep chemical peels. Redness might linger for several months following a chemical peel, however recovery durations can range from 4 days to 2 weeks.
  • DermabrasionIn order for new skin to form in their place, this process sands away the skin's outer layers. Your skin is likely to feel burning or tingling after this surgery and look pink and puffy. Skin can recover completely in up to 3 months. Flare-ups of acne, short-term or long-term changes in skin tone, scarring, or larger pores are all possible side effects.
  • CryosurgeryThis procedure sands away the skin's outer layers so that new skin can develop in their place. After this procedure, your skin may feel burning or tingling and seem pink and swollen. Skin can fully recover in up to three months. Possible adverse effects include acne flare-ups, temporary or permanent changes in skin tone, scarring, or bigger pores.
  • Laser treatment The spot is treated with this method using particular light wavelengths. The spot may temporarily become darker as a side effect. Following treatment, you must maintain the area tidy and refrain from picking any scabs.
  • Microdermabrasion This technique uses specialised light wavelengths to treat the location. A side effect could be a brief darkening of the spot. You must keep the area clean and avoid picking any scabs after therapy.

Wearing sunscreen after any skin treatments or procedures is equally vital as wearing sunscreen every day. In addition to shielding your skin from UV damage as it heals, sunscreen also helps stop age spots from reappearing.

Over-the-counter treatments

There are also many over-the-counter (OTC) lotions available that are touted as age spot treatments. Although they are not as potent as prescription creams, these creams could be able to help reduce excessive skin pigmentation.

In summary, it's typically ok to try them before scheduling a dermatologist appointment, but be aware that they might not be as successful as medical care.

Choose an OTC cream with one of the following ingredients if you want to use one of them:

  • deoxyarbutin
  • glycolic acid
  • glycolic acid
  • alpha hydroxy acid
  • kojic acid

Age spots cannot be removed by cosmetics, but they can certainly be covered up. Consult a cosmetics specialist, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon for advice on the best age spot concealing brands and products.