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Its Time to Know all about Laser Hair Removal 

Best Laser Hair Removal in Lucknow

Its Time to Know all about Laser Hair Removal

08 Mar, 2023


Hair removal is time-taking and, in many cases, frustrating. Traditional hair removal procedures like waxing, tweezing and shaving are effective for removing hair, but only temporarily. Laser hair removal is effective and efficient and provides a long-term solution for removing unwanted hair. You can perform Laser hair removal on any body part with unwanted hair.

While this method does not entirely get rid of hair, it does provide a 50-95 per cent removal of new hair, and the new hair that increases will be finer and easier to retain. Here are five advantages of laser hair removal.

Know all about Laser Hair Removal by The Velvet Skin Centre, Lucknow

A. Treatments Don't Take Lengthy

Laser hair removal procedures are much quicker than you may expect. It takes around 25 minutes to perform treatment on the bikini area or the underarms and only about an hour for spots like arms and legs. Don't desire to spend all day in the spa when containing laser hair reduction is done – you'll be out in no time.

B. You'll Save Money in the Long Run

When you get laser hair removal treatments, you eliminate the need for endless razors, shaving cream, waxing appointments, etc. The cost of laser hair removal has decreased while the cost of waxing has increased. Laser hair removal is financially more intelligent, takes less time, and gives you a longer-lasting result.

C. Eliminate Ingrown Hairs

You can control and stop ingrown hairs with laser hair removal. It is the best resolution to ensure you don't suffer from irritating ingrown hair and risk having it removed. Laser hair removal is also an excellent option for people with sensitive skin and irritation after shaving or waxing.

D. It Saves Time

Think about all the times you have spent an extra ten or twenty minutes in the shower shaving and then found that you've skipped spots and have to go back to correct them. With laser hair deduction, you have to shave a long time or make arrangements to get the hair waxed. You also don't have to fear mistakes and missing sites anymore. You will keep clean-shaven skin without the hassle of shaving or waxing.

E. You Don't Need to Grow Hair Between Treatments

Unlike waxing, you can shave in between your treatments. In addition, you no longer have to stay to increase your hair due; with laser hair removal, you can shave as extensively as you like in between sessions.

Typical Queries concerning Laser Hair Removal

What are the possible risks?: You can have laser hair removal treatment accomplished. There is no recovery time over your lunch break. In addition, the lasers do not remove the skin, so there are extremely low risks.

Is this painful?: Laser hair removal is not painful compared to waxing. However, numbing creams make the experience more comfortable for sensitive skin.

How does the laser remove the hair?: The lasers emit light at a specific wavelength that the hair follicle's pigment will absorb without damaging the skin around it. In addition, the light converted into heat energy disables the hair follicle, so this would not grow additional hairs.

How many treatments are needed?: Typically it will take seven to eight treatments to achieve a prominent area, but certain people only need four or five sessions.

How to Organize for Laser Hair Removal?: Before having laser hair removal accomplished, you should review with your doctor to ensure you are a good chance for the treatment. In addition, you should limit waxing, plucking, tweezing, and electrolysis for six weeks before the therapy. It is because the laser targets the hair's roots & temporarily removes them when waxed or plucked.

Is this painful?: Laser hair removal is not painful compared to waxing. However, numbing creams make the experience more comfortable for sensitive skin.


The day or two after the treatment, your skin will look sunburned. Moisturizers and cool compresses can help. Over the next month, the treated hair will fall out. Wear sunscreen for the following month to prevent temporary colour transformations in the skin.

Laser hair reduction can save you money and time and give you a stunning and durable result. Pure Luxe Medical offers laser hair removal treatment for 30% off. Contact us for a quote on any hair removal treatments and packages.